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DB::Exception: Cannot append data in format Parquet to file, because this format doesn't support appends. (CANNOT_APPEND_TO_FILE)

· 2 min read

Suppose you create a table that uses the File table engine with the Parquet format:

CREATE TABLE parquet_test
`x` UInt32,
`y` String
ENGINE = File(Parquet)

You can write to the table once:

(1, 'Hello'),
(2, 'Hi')

This creates a file named data.Parquet in the data/default/parquet_test folder. If you try to insert another batch:

(3, 'World'),
(4, 'Bye') get the following error:

Code: 641. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot append data in format Parquet to file, because this format doesn't support appends. You can allow to create a new file on each insert by enabling setting engine_file_allow_create_multiple_files. (CANNOT_APPEND_TO_FILE)

You can not append to Parquet files in ClickHouse. But you can tell ClickHouse to create a new file for every INSERT by enabling the engine_file_allow_create_multiple_files setting. If enabled, on each insert a new file will be created with a name following this pattern:

`data.Parquet` -> `data.1.Parquet` -> `data.2.Parquet`, etc.:

Let's give it a try. We will put our two commands into a single file named parquet.sql:

SET engine_file_allow_create_multiple_files = 1;

INSERT INTO default.parquet_test VALUES (3, 'World'), (4, 'Bye');

Run it using clickhouse-client:

./clickhouse client --queries-file parquet.sql

And now you will see two files in data/default/parquet_test (and a new file for each subsequent insert).


The engine_file_allow_create_multiple_files setting applies to other data formats that are not appendable, like JSON and ORC.